Hi, I’m Hallie. Thanks for being here!
I am dedicated to humaning with utmost care through the moment by moment unfolding of the mystery. I’m not perfect, but I am paying attention.
The core of how I navigate this improvisational dance of alignment — within myself, in my relationships, and as I weave my individual thread within the tapestry of the everything — is through embodied listening; responsive conversation; and a continual reorientation towards acknowledging what is, understanding how what was shapes the context of this moment, and considering how this moment seeds the possibility of what is to come.
Our bodies are in constant communication with everything around us, and are continually trying to communicate their knowing with us. Relearning this language of resonance fosters a deep sense of connection and supports us in aligning our being and doing with the core of who we are, thereby moving in right relationship with all parts of the whole.
My work centers around this practice of grounding personal transformation in and through the body — reconnecting with our innate inner wisdom as a foundation for disentangling ourselves from the conditioning of systems of harm, in service to relational, collective and systemic change.
As an artist, my practice is rooted in the belief that inhabiting our bodies in real time is a deeply radical act, one that we can model for each other as an invitation to remember ourselves as part of a larger collective body.
As a teacher and facilitator, I approach movement and embodied practice through responsive listening and play — inviting us to cultivate our capacity to be when and where we are, to widen the field of our noticing, to land in the ground of ourselves, so we can be more fully and choicefully with each other, the space, the context as we meet the ever-unfolding unknown at the threshold of the future becoming the present.
I am delighted that you are here and am honored to be in conversation with you. May we support each other on this journey of becoming ever more truly, deeply, unapologetically ourselves and cultivating our capacity to practice an ever widening circle of care.
— Hallie Dalsimer