Inhabiting our bodies is a deeply radical act.

Humaning is a platform for sharing tools, practices, and inquiry around embodiment as a pathway to presence, empowerment, and connection. Here we will explore how to tap into and reclaim our inner knowing, disentangle our truths from our conditioning, and show up within the interconnected web of being as our most aligned and authentic selves.

This work is based in the belief that all the wisdom we need is already inside each of us — we just need to remember how to listen…


How am I humaning?

Each of us is born with an inherent wisdom about who we are and what we need, and this wisdom lives in and is communicated through the body. On some level, it just makes sense that the vehicle that allows us to experience the material reality of Earth School comes equipped with all the tools we need to navigate said reality in a way that is aligned with the core of who we are and what we are here to experience. The body is constantly attempting to communicate with us through the language of resonance (or frequency), and is expressed through both emotion and sensation. When we listen to these messages, we tap into states of flow — moving through the world with a greater sense of clarity and ease, joyfully tapping into the seeming magic of serendipity and synchronicity, and accessing grace even amidst challenge.

Am I humaning in a way that supports my well being?

Unfortunately, few of us make it to adulthood with our ability to hear and heed the communications of our bodies intact. Most of the cultural training in the West teaches us to ignore the body’s impulses, instincts and desires — to suppress them in an attempt to “master” ourselves. (Think original sin and “mind over matter.”) Our ability to suppress our bodies’ desires is thus equated to morality and virtue. Add to this the idea that our worth as people is inextricably bound up in our monetary success and possessions — beliefs that keeps us sacrificing our well being to the demands of productivity and consumption (thanks consumer capitalism) — and we’ve got the perfect recipe for disempowerment, discontent, and a never ending pursuit of happiness.

Given this context, inhabiting our bodies becomes a deeply radical act of self empowerment. To be present with ourselves and allow ourselves a moment of satisfaction, revolutionary. To inhabit our bodies and value what they have to tell us is a way to reclaim and assert our innate worth – that who we are is valuable, simply because we are. That we are enough.

Am I humaning in a way that supports the well being of all other humans, of all other beings, of the planet?

I believe that sifting through all the stuff we are taught we should be and should want, to home back into who we actually are and what we truly care about, is among the most vital, timely things we can do right now to support collective change. Coming home to ourselves is not an end, not a self-contented place of arrival, inaction and self-congratulation. Rather, it is a beginning, a necessary foundational step towards living a more equitable, sustainable, and integrous life — towards moving in aligned action and interaction.

The more we take time to ground, root, and center ourselves — on the Earth, in our bodies, in this moment — the more clearly we tune into the deeper truths and priorities that connect us into the web of evolutionary interbeing. We are all part of the everything. And when we get diligent and uncompromising about tending the path of our particular thread, we cannot help but come into right relationship with the larger tapestry of the world around us. From this place of alignment, we move into action with a sense of clarity that starts in the gut, is galvanized through the heart, and becomes known — beyond question or doubt — by the mind.

All of which brings us to perhaps the most vital question of our time:

How do I human in a way that co-creates a reality in which humans get to keep humaning on earth well into the future?

When I published this site in January 2020 I wrote: “Given everything that’s up on the planet right now — that we have reached a critical moment where big change is inevitable — the only question remaining is whether we get on board to steward the change or continue as we are and get rolled by it.”

A few short months later, the first of those big changes came upon us. We got to witness how quickly we as a species actually can change our collective behavior, can step back from our habitual patterns of production and consumption, from being constantly on the go. How the inequity of our systems required many to keep hustling, to keep running, to continually put themselves at risk in order to survive.

There was a meme I saw early on that stated “the earth has sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done.” We have been called to slow down — to literally come home to ourselves. We’ve seen business as usual grind to a halt, again and again. There is an opportunity here. An invitation to imagine something better. Something more balanced, more just, and more loving. Something equitable and sustainable.

The only option is to start where we are. Which begs the question, where are we?
Where are you?
Can you feel yourself there?
If not, might you be able to source enough safety to try?