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embodied listening lab

Embodied Listening Lab is a space to investigate how we can invert the mind of matter frame of relating to the body - a space to explore listening into and being guided by the body’s innate wisdom about what it needs and how it wants to move.

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  • 15 minute guided movement exploration: waking up sensation, shaking off tension and distraction; arriving more fully in the body, in the moment, in the practice together.

  • 15 minutes stillness: giving ourselves permission to rest. In this meditative state we are waking up our deep listening - noticing all of the life that already exists inside of stillness (sensation, the movement of breath, enlivening the body through our awareness and imagination), and returning again and again to the present moment.*

  • 15 minutes solo: keeping our awareness internal, we open to the possibility of movement. We follow sensation and allow the body’s wisdom about what it needs to guide us into action. Cultivating a sense of discovery we allow each moment to be a new experience.*

  • 15 minutes group: (as gradually as we need) we open our awareness to the space outside ourselves and the people sharing it with us. From responsive internally led action, we open to the possibility of responsive interaction in a field of compositional play. Noticing the unfolding relationships/geometry/choreography that arise within the shared space.*

* Participants are invited to honor their own timing needs in transitioning from one phase of exploration to the next.

donations welcome
Venmo: @Hallie-Dalsimer

March 26

moving from listening

April 9

embodied listening lab