thoughts about things

I love language, love the subtleties and specificities of words and the nuance they can convey. I love the art of conversation, and I enjoy sharing the insights I’ve gleaned through direct experience and through observation of myself and the world around me. I’ve developed a lot of thoughts about things - theories that have coalesced over time - and when I share them with people they often ask me if I am a writer. No, I tell them, I am a talker.

As such, I am often reluctant to put my thoughts into writing. There’s something about committing the words to form that feels binding - like in so doing I am making a commitment to never shift or diverge from whatever was written. But our thoughts, opinions, and understandings evolve over time - especially if we give ourselves the space to grow and change. I have been afraid to write. Yet I want to share more widely, and writing seems to lend itself in support of making that happen.

I question whether the written word need be the immutable monument I have feared.

I hope not…

So here’s my disclaimer: the ideas shared here may turn out to be short-lived - merely a record of a moment in time. They are offered as food for reflection, not as pillars of truth. My understanding, like yours, is shifting over time — how beautiful that we are capable of change!

If you have thoughts (or questions) about any of the things here, please feel free to email me:


the language of the body


dancing to music…