tools for play


Tools for Play is an attempt to bridge the space between the joy of play and the rigor of technique. To deepen our practice of letting the body lead, while bringing our awareness ever more fully into the present moment of our experience. When we bring the body-mind-spirit awake and online by being fully when and where we are, we interrupt our autopilot and come into a more responsive relationship with ourselves, each other, and the space around us. From this place we allow the choreography of the moment to emerge, co-creating it through an unfolding conversation rather than by act of will.

Areas of exploration:
~ moving from listening: finding stillness, sensory awareness
~ space-time dynamics: proximity & distance, pace & timing
~ connection & contact: sharing space, sharing weight
~ movement quality: tone, texture, gravity
~ shapeshifting: character, creature, clown

Intended for anybody with a movement practice - those who feel the joy and want to learn more technique, those with technique and a connection to joy, and especially those whose pursuit of technique has disconnected them from their joy of moving.


moving from listening

