classes/ workshops/ creative process/ individual support


in Conversation

Welcome to the conversation…

I have been developing these practices, which I collectively call
Humaning in Conversation, since 2015.

Humaning in Conversation is a synthesis of
Gaga (certified teacher 2010-2014), Authentic Movement, Contemplative Dance Practice, contact improv, Contact Beyond Contact, solo and group improvisational strategies, explorations of the energy body (informed by eastern wisdom traditions — particularly Daoism), a growing understanding of the nervous system (para-sympathetic and sympathetic/ arousal states, tools for down-regulation and when to utilize them), and an awareness that our stories —
individual, collective, ancestral — live in our bodies.

These explorations are invited/ held within a frame that recognizes our physical practice as
a metaphorical landscape/ relational microcosm through which emerges
insight about the larger dance of life.

These offerings have coalesced as the fruits of several decades worth of movement practice, performance in a variety of contexts, self-directed study and learning with and from many inspiring teachers, as well as the meanderings, triumphs and f(l)ails of personal lived experience.

They can be organized as stand alone experiences, in ongoing series, and as deep-dive intensives,
made open to the public or held as closed sessions with existing groups,
such as dance/ theater/ performance companies, schools & universities, conferences, retreats, & festivals.

The aim of these offerings is to support humans humaning increasingly well in their individual and collective, mundane and artistic processes. To that end, all pricing is sliding scale/ determined on a case by case basis, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
If the work calls to you, reach out — we will find a way to make it accessible.


moving from listening
Travel Hallie Dalsimer Travel Hallie Dalsimer

moving from listening

a contemplative dance practice

finding stillness ~ moving from listening ~ responsive, compositional play

letting the body lead ~ being as the ground for doing

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Travel Hallie Dalsimer Travel Hallie Dalsimer


a co-creative experience for artists to engage in conversation and share tools in support of making socially and politically informed work

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