embodied insight sessions

“Our lifelong, non-negotiable primary relationships are with the body and the self. The health of these internal relationships provides a foundation for all our external relationships. Invest in building a nurturing, nourishing, mutually supportive foundation.”

One-on-one Embodied Insight sessions offer support for individuals wanting to more deeply inhabit and express the fullness of themselves. This reclamation of self is anchored by establishing a more consistent connection with the innate wisdom of the body* and expanding one’s relationship with movement as a both a physical and metaphysical practice.

Sessions are conversational and intuitively guided. Drawing on a range of listening-based somatic and energetic practices, the Gene Keys, and Human Design, participants are invited to explore the terrain of movement as metaphor. In this rich, visceral space the bodymindspirit regains coherence, reestablishing a grounded connection to source within and recalibrating our internal compass towards alignment within the larger, interconnected web of life.

Together we will explore:

  • how your body wants to move and what it is trying to communicate;

  • tools to support clarity and ease in navigating the everyday challenges of relationships and decision making;

  • the sensational feedback of your internal compass;

  • tuning into the physical sensations of energetic resonance/dissonance;

  • distinguishing your embodied knowing from your internalized conditioning - and building trust in that knowing;

  • how the body signals misalignment in other (non-physical) areas of our lives;

  • uncovering where and how you are holding onto limiting beliefs, unconscious patterns, and other people’s stuff as your own story;

  • building the capacity of the nervous system;

  • feeling supported in inhabiting your body more fully, exactly as it is;

  • feeling empowered to be unapologetically yourself;

  • claiming and expressing your unique genius as a gift to the world!

Ready to dive in?

*Important disclaimer: The body holds all of our stories, both lived and inherited. This includes the traumas we have survived and inherited, as well as the limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in patterns of harm. When we slow down and turn our attention inwards to our bodies, the stories that are ready to shift or release may rise to our awareness. In addition to the insights and new perspectives offered, these shifts may be intensely physical, emotional, and/or energetic. We are creating an intentional container in this work together and space will be held for you to move through these releases. You will be supported in regulating your nervous system before closing the session, and tools will be offered to continue using on your own. However, please note that I am not a licensed therapist. This process may illuminate areas to investigate further with the guidance of a more specialized, licensed professional.


embodying (r)evolution


moving from listening